From Hanoi to youth group V U B C — love letter

From the heart of Hanoi —the capital of Vietnam.

Dear youth group,

It’s my priviledge to be a part of a recent Gospel crusade with Rev Franklin Graham association in Hanoi the capital last week 8,9th Dec 2017. I lead 4 bands, a choir with more than 250 members from many churches and many singers from US, Korea & Vietnam. Above all things God be glorified and Jesus Christ name be known in Vietnam where the crowd is up to 30,000 people gathering in 9th Dec. Specially there’re 4621 people got saved in 2 nights! Hallelujah . In my tears of joy I prayed for AZ and you all , asking God to remember us too .

According to my survey, 2/3 staff of event is young people from 17-25! All are so active and powerful . I believe that God also has a plan for us over here to reach out the lost for his kingdom . Be ready always. Thanks for your prayer support.

By the way, I will be back AZ this Thursday. See you all on Friday night for practicing worship. I will tell you more about my mission of what I saw and experienced. (This part is for youth group at my church) 🙄😊👍🏻✨🎶

Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone)
Pastor David Dong.